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Clamping - Step-By-Step:


1. Stimulate your penis to a 90-100 percent erection level. Note: If you prefer, you can put the cable clamp on at a lower erection and then build an erection once the clamp is in place.

2. Wrap the base of your penis.

3. Place clamp over wrap. The clamp should be as close to the pubic bone as possible. Tighten the clamp.

4. Stimulate the penis to the highest erection possible. Without causing any pain or discomfort, tighten the clamp as tight as possible.

5. Kegel blood into the penis.

6. Leave clamped for desired amount of time. If you are just starting out, leave it on for five to ten minutes.


Picture 3 – Pre Clamped, flaccid.

Picture 4 – The penis, wrapped.

Picture 5 – The penis with the clamp on

Picture 6 – Clamped penis, from a side angle

Picture 7 – Post clamping, ten minutes after


Frequently Asked Questions:


1. How long should I leave the clamp on for?

Once you start using clamping in your routine, the basic rule of thumb per clamping session is 10 minutes. Leaving the clamp on for 10 minutes is the safest way to clamp. You can always add more sets if you do not believe you are getting a maximum workout.


2. While clamping, my erection slowly subsides quite a bit, is this normal?

Yes. This is completely normal. However, your penis should still be engorged and plumped. If it turns completely flaccid, try clamping a few more notches, changing your wrap, or adding another clamp.

3. Does clamping help with length gains?

In most cases the answer is no. However, clamping has created minute length gains for some.




• When you first start clamping, do 1 day on and 1 day off. Over time, move up in the number of days on if needed.

• Kegel throughout the whole clamping session. This continually pushes more blood into the penis, creating greater expansion.

• Wait Five to Ten minutes between clamping sets.

• While clamped, get up and move around if possible. This causes more blood to flow to the penis, creating more of an engorgement.


Other information:


• You can also clamp behind the balls. Clamping this way tends to expand the part of the shaft you would be unable to expand due to your fat pad and excess skin if you clamp at the base of the penis.

To do this, pull your scrotum forward, parallel with your penis. Then place the clamp behind the balls. Tighten as you normally would; adjusting to your erection size.

• Because clamping behind the balls does not leave room for a wrap, pinch is much more common when clamping this way. To minimize this, try lining the clamp with a fabric, such as adhesive strip.


Although many people advocate clamping behind the balls, there are many delicate tissues in the testicles that could be damaged by clamping this way. These tissues include nerves, arteries, the vas, and more. Damaging any of these tissues could cause problems with sperm production or worse (such as ischemia of the tissues, leading to tissue death and gangrene). Your best bet is to clamp as close to the pubic bone as possible.


Picture 8 – Clamping Behind the Balls, above angle.

Picture 9 – Clamping Behind the Balls, below angle.

Picture 10 – Clamped, lined with adhesive strip.


• Desensitizing is the term used when one has a harder time getting erection due to watching excessive amounts of porn. If you use porn as your method of stimulation, be cautious of this. If you believe you are desensitizing due to the porn, try another method of stimulation.

• If one clamp is not enough to shut off the blood outflow, then try using multiple clamps. However, before you try this, make sure you are wrapping tight enough. In most cases, a loose wrap is usually the problem if your penis turns completely flaccid during a clamping session.

You can put the second clamp at the base, or put the second clamp an inch below the glans, shown in Picture 11


Dangers With Clamping:


• By clamping you are building up an unusual amount of pressure in the penis. If your penis is not conditioned for clamping, or you do not pay attention to your penis while clamping, you can easily cause an injury. The two most common injuries from clamping are thrombose veins and lymph vessels.

• Signs to look for while clamping:

Positive signs:

o Engorged penis

o Temporary growing. It is not uncommon for your penis to experience temporary growth of ½ inch in girth during and after clamping.

o Veins

o Apparent growth


Negative signs:

o Pain

o Numbness

o Tingling

o Penis turning very dark: It is normal for the penis darken a few shades during a clamping session. However, if it turns very dark, to the point of black, this is very bad. Note: if your penis color is normally very dark, then use other negative indications to stop.

o Coldness


If you experience any of these negative signs while clamping, immediately take the clamp off and apply a warm-up to your penis.


Suggested Beginning Clamping Routine:

• Three sets of ten minute clamps. One day on, One day off.


Exercises while Clamped:


Clamping alone causes enough pressure build up to give substantial girth gains. You do not need to do exercises while clamped to obtain results. However, after becoming an experienced clamper, your dick should be conditioned enough to do advanced exercises while clamped.

Take extra caution while doing clamped exercises. Any advanced girth exercise can be done while clamping. If you have not tried an exercise while not clamped, then do not try it with the clamp until you have done so. Some exercises you can try while clamped are:

1. Clamped Jelqs - Once the erection dies down Jelq the penis as normal.

2. Clamped Bends - Use one hand to hold the clamp at the base. With the other hand grab the shaft just under the glans and bend left, right, down and up for 15 to 30 seconds in each direction. Picture 12 – A clamped bend

3. Clamped Uli’s – Grab the shaft and squeeze tightly. Hold this grip for 30 seconds to a minute.

4. Clamped Ballooning (Edging) - Masturbating to the point of ejaculation over and over while clamped allows you to keep the expanded erection. This keeps the penis expanded for an even longer period of time.


Again, the more intensity added to each exercise while clamped, creates more room for injury if you are not careful. When clamping, slowly ease into a “clamping routine.”


*If you wish to use this information for any publication (website, magazine, book, etc.) purpose, please contact the author with the designated purpose before doing so.

май 2010: BPEL 14/EG 12см - 2014:BPEL 20/EG 16 см |  Тренировка ICM  | Мне пишите сюда

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    много полезного!

    и это больше для новичков


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    BPFSL был 15 см -> сейчас 23.8 см (прирост +8.8)

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    Профессиональные НУП-девайсы по САМЫМ НИЗКИМ ЦЕНАМ! | Телеграм: @tankironup

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    Боюсь, что с тандера выловят - это же их статья с их же фотами


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    культурист на фото нереальный!

    Это, кстати, brianrex, там море его фото с прогами - еще есть разные

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    Переместил перевод с картинками в тему Клемпинг Clamping

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